

In Kenya there are many Mathare slums in different cities and towns, but I am dealing with Mathare slums in Nairobi.
Mathare slum is the second largest slum in Nairobi after Kibera ( The Mathare slums are situated a few kilometers northwest of the affluent areas of Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. Its inhabitants, mainly women and children, live in small shacks about three square meters, made out of any material they can find; mud, sticks, cardboard and tin sheeting .The slum has a population of about 500,000 people. Some of the slums include Mathare Valley, Mlango Kubwa, Kosovo, Korogocho and others. (, )

Until a few years ago, it was regarded as one of the worst and most dangerous slums of the Kenyan capital. (
Most of the people who live in Mathare are employed by as casual laborers in Nairobi industries.
Mathare is the home of Mathare United and Mathare Youth Sports Association which was the first sports youth projects in Mathare. (
In 2006, Mathare was damaged by violence between rival gangs the Taliban , a Luo group, and the Mungiki, a Kikuyu group.

Life in the slum is bleak. Most of the adults are jobless and for chidren there is nowhere to play and mostly limited possibiities of attending school.When it rains the area resembles a muddy filthy pool. (
Mostly the Mathare youths are idle and this is what led to formation of rival groups like Mungiki and Taliban.

PROBLEM FACING MATHARE PEOPLEMunicipal solid waste management. Illegal dumping of MSW on the Nairobi river banks or on the roadside poses environmental and economic threats on nearby properties and infrastructure. (
Spontaneous shelter. This has led to over population in the slum and easily caused fires. (
Lack of water
Rape cases(

SOLUTIONSYouth development mostly by MYSA and Mathare United 
Linking sport and environmental clean up (
Political problems. Especially in 2007. (
Coming up with youth projects to reduce idleness in the society.
Community policing.
Radio Stations to speak out the problems of the people of Mathare to the government. (
Lighting system by the government. (
The government fighting the malicious gangs in the slum.

HOW MATHARE WAS AFFECTED AFTER POST ELECTION VIOLENCEMathare was one of the most hit slums by post election violence in Nairobi and this led to displacement of most people to Huruma IDP camp and Air force camp.
This also led to deaths of many people and many women were raped.
Many shanties were burnt down and also led to the rise of other gangs that displaced and killed people.
Most people said that they had never seen such a thing before, “people fighting and killing their fellow hustlers in broad daylight”. They had even no words to describe their experiences extensively. ( (
Many shanties were burnt down and also led to the
rise of other gangs that displaced and killed people.

Many Shanties Were Burnt Down